So many questions swirl around dating etiquette. In heterosexual dating, one of those questions involves whether the man or the woman should confirm a date and when. While there’s often no right or wrong answer, as a woman, there are a few considerations to make before sending that confirmation text.
When a Woman Plans the Date
If you are a woman who made the first move by asking a guy out, by all means, confirm the date. There isn’t much in dating that’s a no-brainer, but this is: You made the plans, so follow through with those plans unless you have a good reason not to.
As for when you should confirm? Ask yourself when you would want to receive a confirmation from a man. A good rule of thumb is, for night dates, that morning or the night before. For dates occurring at any other time of day, think about what would be considerate and then do it.
When a Man Plans the Date
Very often, a man will ask out a woman he’s interested in a few days or maybe longer before the date is to happen. Even if he tells you the name of the meeting spot and the time when he asks you out, as the date draws near, you may wonder if it’s still happening. However, as a woman, you may hesitate to confirm the date because (a) you want him to lead and (b) he was the one who asked you out.
While you will be correct in wanting each to happen, they, for whatever reason, might not. Though both happening would be green flags, sometimes there’s a legitimate-ish reason his follow-up falls through the cracks. The first reason could be that he genuinely believes the date has already been set and assumes you will be there. The second is that he planned everything but didn’t confirm as early as would make you comfortable. Not everyone views time the same way.
That said, you’re busy and have zero time to mess around. If a man has planned an evening date with you and hasn’t confirmed it by late morning of the date, you can send this simple text: “Are we still good for tonight?”
Yes, you are taking the initiative here when he should have. But I argue that you are not losing your feminine energy by doing so because feminine energy also means you’re a strong woman who values your time. And in the interest of not wasting any, you want to know the plan so you can pencil him out if need be. What you’re trying to avoid is showing up somewhere and being stood up, in which case you should never deal with him again. But who needs to put themselves through this? Not you.
When You Confirm the Date, But the Man Doesn’t Respond or Responds Too Late
It happens: A man sets a date with you, gives you the place and the time, but doesn’t follow up afterward when you do. All you get is radio silence. What should you do then? The answer is simple: Nothing. He has shown you who he is, and that is someone who doesn’t follow through on his word. This, ladies, is a red flag if there ever was one.
Should he follow up after the fact, after missing a date, to explain that his dog ate his PowerPoint or that “Something suddenly came up,” as it did for Marcia Brady when she canceled her date with Charlie, and then you choose to ignore what he already showed you by his actions, you run a high risk of him being exactly who he’s demonstrated himself to be. This is on you.
The same is generally true of the guy who waits until the last possible moment to respond to your request for confirmation. In other words, if to make it on time, you would have already had to start getting dressed for the date or arrange childcare, then it’s already too late for him to confirm the date. Your answer should be that you can no longer make it since you didn’t hear back from him earlier. Again, if you choose to give him another shot if he asks for one, go at your own risk.
Why Who Confirms a Date Matters and Why It Doesn’t
Everything that happens in the early stages of dating, from the moment you connect on an app until you enter a committed relationship, is information you should pay close attention to and bank. What you’re looking for? Masculine energy.
Men pursue. Men plan dates, men follow up about plans, men pay for, at a bare minimum, the first date, men walk you to your car, men text you to make sure you arrived home safely, and men communicate their interest in moving forward with you or let you know politely that they’re not. Reader, these are minimums.
If a man is lazy from the beginning, he will almost one hundred percent of the time become lazier once you accept this as your standard. So, go ahead and confirm that date. As long as you understand what you having to confirm it communicates.