Press — Innovative Match
One of the best and most trusted companies that represents the finest in services, talent and commitment to the customer.”
”An outstanding business that we would recommend to a close friend!
“A provider for discerning people that carries the highest recommendation from family, friends, peers and associates.”
One of the world’s top dating experts.
— Older Dating UK
Cassie Keim is the perfect tour guide for an adventure on the “Romance Highway,” her joyful metaphor for finding love when you’re over
50. With nearly three decades of matchmaking experience, Cassie is a wise and loving friend, sitting on the passenger side, dispensing helpful advice and firmly, but gently, encouraging us to face our fears and enjoy the journey on our terms.
— Patrice Tanaka, Chief Joy Officer, Joyful Planet and author, Becoming Ginger Rogers, and co-author, Beat the Curve
If you’re single in this age of “everything connects,” you absolutely need a virtual love hunter to guide you through the romance sites online. And if you’re over 50 (admittedly 50 is the new 30) and shopping for a date, a partner, or a spouse, buy this book, consume it quickly, and start selling (profiles are everything) and browsing (you’ll feel like a kid in an ice cream store). We all see experts in every aspect of our lives and here’s one who can help you find love in this chapter of your life.
— Marian Salzman, trendspotter, author, and CEO, Havas PR North America


The Ask Cass Blog

Nominated for the Forbes List of 100 Best Websites for Women.



Cassie Zampa-Keim featured in Marin Magazine - Celebrating Women in Business

A look at some of Marin’s most accomplished female movers and shakers.

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DATING NEWS- Look Past Political Differences & Give Each Other a Chance

 features on article from Cassie Zampa-Keim discussing dating in our Political Climate.

Dating After Divorce - Chapter 2 Club

Chapter 2 Club

Dating After Divorce:
5 Tips to Help You Get off the Bench and Dating Again


Innovative Match CEO Cassie Zampa Keim Fosters Deep Connections Between Men And Women Over 45


The Grail Blog

Cassie Zampa-Keim, Innovative-Match, Founder & CEO named Love and Relationship expert for The Grail Blog.

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Life After 50

"February’s Life After 50 magazine features, valuable tips on finding that special someone from Matchmaking Master Cassie Zampa-Keim.”


Innovative Match

Innovative Match Enjoys An Evening Of Philanthropy For St. Jude

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Featured in Woman’s World 2019 as one of America’s Ultimate Experts on Dating.
