IM Recognition #13 - 7 Rules For Online Dating Profile Pix That Get You Noticed

"7 Rules For Online Dating Profile Pix That Get You Noticed" receives this week’s Innovative Match (IM) Recognition Award! Recommended by the IM Editorial Team, this Huffington Post article by Lisa Copeland reinforces the idea that strong profile pictures are a great way to leave a perfect first impression at the electronic cocktail party. We hope you’ll enjoy this informative read as you continue your journey on the Romance Highway.


7 Rules For Online Dating Profile Pix That Get You Noticed by Lisa Copeland

IM Recognition #12 - Online Dating: Don't Give Up

"Online Dating: Don't Give Up" receives this week's Innovative Match (IM) Recognition Award! Dating burnout is common among singles. Discouraged and disheartened, nearly 50% of adults who contact IM report that they’ve tried online dating sites and are met with little to no success. However, persistence, open mindedness and a strategic approach can quickly reverse the tide and produce strong results. Enjoy and leverage the results-oriented tips in this hands on read as you continue on your Romance Highway journey.

Online Dating: Don't Give Up by Theo Pauline Nestor

"Ask Cass" Nominated for The Forbes List of 100 Best Websites for Women 2014

The "Ask Cass" Editorial Team thanks our readers for their tweets and endorsements over the past few weeks in response to our nomination for The Forbes List of 100 Best Websites for Women 2014. We're honored to be considered for this prestigious list and grateful to Forbes for the exceptional content and community building they provide for women. Finally, we extend our deep appreciation to the growing and "Ask Cass" community for its vibrant and thoughtful contributions and engagement.

IM Recognition #11 - Relationship Communication: How to Talk So That Your Partner Will Listen

“Relationship Communication: How to Talk So That Your Partner Will Listen” receives this week’s Innovative Match (IM) Recognition Award! Recommended by the IM Editorial Team, this Huffington Post article by Robert Leahy, Ph.D. wins our nod of approval for the valuable message it promotes. We hope you’ll enjoy this informative read as you continue your journey on the Romance Highway.  

Relationship Communication: How to Talk So That Your Partner Will Listen by Robert Leahy, Ph.D.

Thinking of Dating Again? How to Start Doing & Stop Thinking

“Dating After Divorce” receives this week’s Innovative Match (IM) Recognition Award! Recommended by Cass & the IM Editorial Team, this article covers David A. Anderson, Ph.D.’s personal research, along with others’ work, on how individuals recovering from a long-term relationship can get back into “dating mode” and expand their social circle.

Anderson describes the ritual of dating as “daunting” for those who have lost a loved one, gone through a divorce, or who simply need to get back out there and find the right person. Divorce, among other bad experiences, can leave your self-esteem, self-value and “social price” damaged. This makes it all too easy for people to fall back into old dating patterns and partners. What many find most disconcerting is that the singles’ arena looks like a droplet compared to the ocean available during their younger years.

Cass and the IM Matchmakers agree psychology plays a big role. However, the biggest hurdle is knowing how to date and what to do to get back out in the arena. Here the IM Matchmakers discuss the best advice to help you stop thinking and go start dating again.

1. Personal Tree of Life

Have you ever noticed how certain people seem to radiate happiness and attract others? This is because positive people attract other positive people.

In the Personal Tree of Life, you are the tree and your life is comprised of branches. Where do your branches lead you? You need to feed your tree with sunlight and water to help your branches grow because branches reach out into the unknown. By building a strong foundation of roots, you’ll be able to take on changes which help you grow and nurture yourself. Feel rooted in the decisions you make. Trust that where you are in life is where you a supposed to be.

In other words, do you feel good enough about yourself to date? This is a vital first step that requires you to be honest with yourself. Think of positive aspects in your life that you can improve; get in shape, be satisfied and happy with your career, family and friends.

In Anderson’s article he describes assessing your self worth: “People with low self-esteem tend to create relationships with others who evaluate them negatively. If you're suffering from a negative self-image, it's vital you take steps to create a positive, healthy self-concept.”

2.“I don’t know how to date.”

The first step to dating is feeling good. To help recognize your good traits, write a list of positive affirmations about yourself and keep them posted somewhere you can see them. This will help you manage self-doubt by accepting who you are today. It’s important to honor yourself in the present so you can kick start goals to get you moving - mentally and physically - in the right direction.

Motivational speaker, self-help author and life coach Tony Robbins discusses the challenge of taking negative thinking and making it useful to you:

“Decide to develop the habit of focusing on what is right in your world instead of what is wrong. Make it a habit to focus on what you do have, instead of what you don’t have in life. As basic as this is and as well as you already know it, you’ve got to start creating a habit because this habit forms the chain of your ultimate character - of who you become and how you end up living your life.”

The next time you find yourself thinking, “I don’t know how to date,” remind yourself not to let your own self-doubt and fear hold you back. Set the stage and put your life in motion.

3.“What do I do?”

This is a methodical process. Think about your comfort level and assess your fears. Don’t jump or force yourself into anything. If you are a widow or divorcee it’s important to remind yourself that you’ve already been through the hard parts of life and that you can do this.

Take active steps. You won’t find a new partner or friend by sitting around the house. Anderson advises you make a list of 20 activities you would enjoy doing with the perfect partner. This will help motivate you to be active and not feel like your whole life is on pause.

Look around at online dating websites. If you feel uncomfortable or are worried about an ex seeing you online, make the choice to start off small. You don’t have to post a profile picture. You can still interact with others and look around to get yourself familiar with online dating practices.

‘Start off small’ can also mean visiting smaller dating sites. Large communities like and eHarmony can be unnerving. Try choosing a small dating website so it’s not as intimidating and full of people. Some of these sites are better at finding you a new partner who shares your common interests or values. The Huffington Post article,  “5 Reasons to Go Niche When Looking for Love Online” by Laurie Davis, is full of practical reasons why you may want to start out in a smaller dating space. Davis suggests websites like,,, and as good sites to consider.

4. Open Your Network

Making new friends and opening your self up to new relationships can seem challenging. It is important to open up your world because you never know whom you’ll meet at any given time.

Consider hobbies you enjoy or activities your former self used to love. Maybe you played a lot of tennis in college. Get back into it! Join a tennis group or clinic.  Who knows, your next doubles partner could be the love of your life. Pursuing interests will put you back in the people arena. Making new friends and expanding your social network will give you a new support system and help grow your self-confidence.

Yolanda, from Anderson’s article, discusses the benefits of opening herself up after divorce. “My divorce split our extended families and friends," she says of her and her ex-husband. "But my new friends had a fresh perspective that helped my self-esteem. Those who were single had confidence that was contagious; that really helped me when I started going out again as a single person. And sometimes they offered good advice."

5.  Nervous about First Dates? 

Ushering in a whole new set of hang-ups, a first date can be tough. The following reading list for men and women is packed with advice on how to dress, appropriate first date topics, things to avoid saying and much more:

6.  The First Date

         You’ve jumped over the hurdle of fear & uncertainty and gotten yourself a first date! Now you need to figure out what to do and what to say. The most important thing to remember is not to overschedule yourself on the day of your date. Avoid scheduling dates right after work when you’re flustered, feel and look disheveled from the day and need to unwind. Cassie & the IM editorial team offer this set of first date guidelines before you start planning: “Your Ultimate Guide to Successful First Dates

IM Recognition #10 - Forbes' Top Cities for Single Men and Women to Live In

Forbes receives this week's Innovative Match (IM) Recognition Award for its articles on the top cities for single men and women to live in! Recommended by the IM Editorial Team, these articles win our nod of approval. We hope you'll enjoy these informative reads as you continue your journey on the Romance Highway.

Top Cities for Single Women

Top Cities for Single Men

IM Recognition #9 - Getting Married: The Strategic Approach

“Getting Married: The Strategic Approach” receives this week’s IM Recognition Award! Recommended by the Innovative Match Editorial Team, this Oprah article with advice from Rachel Greenwald wins our nod of approval for the valuable message it promotes. We hope you’ll enjoy this informative read as you continue your journey on the Romance Highway.


Getting Married: The Strategic Approach by Michelle Burford

Finding Your Partner When Over 50: Committing to Now

This week Innovative Match is proud to share a guest post from author Galen Fultz. Galen illuminates new techniques for inviting "the One" into your life now.   The world of 50+ dating is extremely different when compared to the dating experiences of 20 or 30-somethings.

Words like 'baggage, divorce, emotionally available' commonly surface in dating profiles.

Depending on your relationship history, you are likely looking for a special someone to spend a long time or even a lifetime with. Someone with whom you can connect in every way: physically, emotionally, intellectually, mentally, spiritually and someone who has a great sense of humor to go along with these chosen words.

To manifest change in your life you need to make space for it to happen.

In the pursuit of a relationship, you need to make the space in your daily life to meet someone. Taking time to get online, write a profile, search profiles, email, talk on the phone, and arrange the first meeting is logistically challenging and takes a lot of planning and energy. From the time you take these active steps to the time you finally meet someone who ‘it’ actually clicks with - it all takes up space. It is up to you to make this space to start spending time with people you are interested in.

When I think of 'making space’, I picture clearing something out so something new can come in. It’s as simple as a glass full of water. None can be added until some water has been drunk or poured out. You are the glass. Within us we hold our thoughts, feelings, desires and impressions of the world outside of us.

Here is an exercise to get you considering the space that is needed to begin a new romantic relationship. Go into your home closet and make room for someone else to keep some of their clothes in it - making just enough space for someone who will only stay for a few days. Do the same in your drawers. It all sounds simple, but for some making this space may prove quite challenging.

While doing this exercise you might say to yourself, "I don't have time to do that right now," "Where am I going to put the displaced stuff?” or “I don't want to get rid of anything."

Time. It's tough to make and hard to find.

We all lead busy lives. Rushing from work to the gym or off to see friends and other daily chores fill our hectic days. A good way to create time in your life is to set an evening aside during the week just for you to unwind. You could have dinner and watch a movie, for example. In this very simple way you are opening up and setting aside time for a special person, or for someone to be in your life. Regardless of whether you are using this as a relationship builder, it is also great practice in self-care which is something everyone needs to make more time for.

Ask yourself,  “Am I ready and willing to create space and let a loving relationship flow into my life?”

Making space gets a lot trickier when you are trying to make room for emotional space. Some good questions to think about and ask yourself are:

“Am I over my past relationship?”

“Am I closing my heart off because it has been broken and I am afraid to love again?”

“Do I fantasize or feel emotionally tied to an old lover?”

“Am I angry with a former spouse, lover, or partner from a divorce or break-up?”

These are all things that take up emotional space. You need to be able to release and make space to allow a new love into your heart and life. It’s like a computer. It is not just enough to put an old file in the trash can. You have to empty the trash to free up more space on the hard drive. Taking time to heal old wounds and emotions will make you happier, more attractive and put you in a better position to create the relationship you want.

Time certainly helps heal wounds, but sometimes you need professional help to get through more difficult things. One shouldn’t feel that there is any stigma attached to seeing a professional counselor or self-help group to work out mental aches and pains.

I myself have benefited enormously from the extensive time I spent with a psychotherapist. I attribute my success in relationships to having been helped by personal therapy.

Mental space is something that requires careful, thoughtful self-examination. Someone who thinks they know it all and have it all figured out lacks open mental space and is not perceived as attractive by most people. Maintaining a closed mind to new ideas, things and people limits your experience of life. When you place boundaries on your life, you limit your ability to be transformed by it.

I believe we are constantly evolving, here to be awed by the mystery of all that is around us and really become the love that we long for. When you go around thinking you know about something or someone before you really do, you can really risk missing out. This applies to meeting a new person, which requires openness to find out who they are and what they may have to share with you.

Creating space in your life gives room for new things to come into it. Self-care is essential to this process for a variety of reasons. If your life is too busy and you are suffering, you need to make the time to enjoy life by finding a balance between work and pleasure. Try something easy like yoga or just walking for 20 minutes everyday.

Creating this small amount of space will help you collect your thoughts, stay fit and feel more positive. New, open space will allow you to build a relationship filled with pleasure.

I think you will agree that the kind of person you want to attract into your life is emotionally clear, happy and mature. Most people by now have had enough drama in earlier marriages and relationships to last a lifetime. I firmly believe that the best way to attract the relationship you want is to embody the clear, happy person whom you wish to draw into your life.

Galen Fultz is a landscape designer living and working in Marin County, California. Like everyone else there, he is working on a screenplay and a novel. He met his last 3 significant relationships on and has considerable experience in online dating. He is presently in a relationship.

A portfolio of his landscape design projects can be seen at

Your Ultimate Guide to Successful First Dates

Ever wonder why you can’t get past the first date? Cass and the Innovative Match (IM) team have spoken to thousands of men after first dates over the course of 3 decades. Last week’s “first date” IM Recognition Award prompted great attention, so this week the team is expanding the discussion to reveal the IM Matchmakers’ best advice to master first dates every time. 1. KNOW WHY MEN DON’T CALL YOU BACK Review relationship expert Rachel Greenwald’s excellent studies covering the top First Date Breakers and Makers for men. Self-assess and make behavioral changes.

2. PRACTICE PLUS PLANNING MAKES PERFECT Preparation can help ease fear about unfamiliar situations, e.g. first dates. Do your homework and brainstorm conversation topics that will be mutually engaging.  Contemplate follow up questions for your date. Make an easy practice of conversing with strangers when running errands, at the gym, etc.! Keep up with current events and stay plugged into the world; you’ll feel great and be comfortable conversing with anyone.

3. GET MOVING, GET CONFIDENT Physical activity naturally triggers positive hormones and suppresses negative thoughts. Plus, it contributes to overall self-care and love.  Play your favorite music as you work out to beat tension and as you get ready to foster happy energy. In your final pre-date minutes, try deep breathing exercises and recite positive affirmations such as “I am strong and confident” or “Tonight will be fun!” also has terrific advice on countering the "fight or flight" response and focusing on the positive.

4. SET YOURSELF UP FOR SUCCESS Wear attire that makes you feel like a star.  Check out Rent the Runway if you need an ultra quick wardrobe boost with minimal investment.  Shoo away negative thoughts with these 5 surefire tips for beating first date jitters.  Rock power poses to raise confidence by 20%! This favorite IM technique can also be used during dates to reduce nerves - simply go to the ladies’ room and work that pose!

5. BULLETPROOF LOGISTICS Opt for a meet-and-greet drink or coffee instead of a long meal to avoid unnecessary pressure on a first meeting.

6. BE PRESENT You never know where this meeting may lead, romantically or otherwise! Make pleasant conversation and get to know your date. Learn! Your date’s life will be rich with his or her experiences and points of view.  Interact with the wait staff and other patrons or even people watch together.

7. KNOW YOUR EXIT STRATEGY Prolonging unhappy early dates can have a negative impact on your energy and dating mindset. Have a plan to leave gracefully - a corporate or family commitment if needed.  Once you've completed your beverage, express your thanks and depart. If asked about a second date, offer to check your schedule and reconnect.  On a first date, everyone is nervous so try to give people an opportunity.  However, take care of yourself first and be mindful of your own well-being.

8. RELEASE FEAR OF THE UNKNOWN Remember, this is just a date!  Forget worst-case scenarios and enjoy the excitement of being on the Romance Highway. Being vulnerable and allowing everything to unfold exhibits your confidence (and helps make you irresistible to men)!

Above all, pat yourself on the back!  Your goal has already been achieved just by “putting yourself out there”; embrace the excitement of new experiences, networking and learning. Cherish and celebrate the journey with the right attitude and your ending will be even sweeter.  Happy dating!